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1Understand the context

Be the first to add your personal experience

2Communicate clearly

Be the first to add your personal experience

3Be open-minded

Be the first to add your personal experience

4Be selective

Be the first to add your personal experience

5Be professional

Be the first to add your personal experience

6Be creative

Be the first to add your personal experience

7Here’s what else to consider

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1Understand the context

Before you react to feedback or criticism, try to understand the context in which it was given. Who is giving it, and what is their role, perspective, and intention? What are the goals, expectations, and constraints of the project? How does your sound design fit into the overall vision and narrative? By considering these factors, you can filter out irrelevant, subjective, or uninformed comments, and focus on the ones that are constructive, helpful, and aligned with the project’s purpose.

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2Communicate clearly

Communication is key to dealing with feedback and criticism in sound design. You need to be able to explain your creative choices, ask for clarification, and negotiate changes. You also need to listen actively, respect different opinions, and acknowledge feedback. Use clear, specific, and polite language, and avoid jargon, sarcasm, or defensiveness. If possible, use examples, references, or prototypes to illustrate your points. And don’t be afraid to ask for feedback early and often, as this can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts later on.

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3Be open-minded

Feedback and criticism can be hard to accept, especially if you are passionate about your work and invested in your ideas. However, being open-minded can help you learn from others, discover new possibilities, and improve your sound design. Instead of taking feedback and criticism personally, try to see them as opportunities to grow, experiment, and collaborate. Don’t dismiss feedback or criticism without giving it a fair chance, but also don’t compromise your vision or integrity. Find a balance between being flexible and being confident.

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4Be selective

While feedback and criticism can be valuable, they can also be overwhelming, contradictory, or confusing. You don’t have to implement every suggestion or follow every rule. You have to be selective and decide what works best for your sound design and the project. Use your own judgment, experience, and intuition to evaluate feedback and criticism. Consider the pros and cons of each option, and weigh them against your goals, criteria, and preferences. And remember, you can always test, revise, or revert your changes.

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5Be professional

Feedback and criticism are part of the sound design process, and you have to deal with them in a professional manner. That means being respectful, courteous, and cooperative with everyone involved. It also means being accountable, timely, and organized with your tasks and deliverables. And it means being honest, humble, and willing to admit your mistakes and learn from them. By being professional, you can build trust, reputation, and rapport with your clients, collaborators, and audiences.

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6Be creative

Feedback and criticism are not meant to limit your creativity, but to enhance it. They can challenge you to think outside the box, explore new techniques, and refine your style. They can also inspire you to express yourself, tell stories, and create emotions with sound. Don’t let feedback and criticism stifle your imagination, but use them as fuel for your creativity.

Earn a Top Voice profile badge when you make quality contributions.


7Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

Earn a Top Voice profile badge when you make quality contributions.


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